The GETTING GOT page dedicated to interactive art involves projects that require the creative participation of other people. It involves with schemes I think up to get people to participate in some way in my art, or through demonstrating art or techniques I've invented in their own work which led to some kind of learning experience which changed the way I look at the world.
Unfortunately in all honesty interactive art has to include those moments when things don't go as planned and when the interaction I would like to have induced doesn't occur.
In the next rubric that appears under the list of links below, you will find the posts as they are added to this site in consecutive order of appearance, the most recent coming first. Each of these posts has its own page which may contain more information and images that appear below - in fact they normally do. As time goes by I will be incorporating the posts into the individual projects and the collaborations which are the essence of this website, where I can ultimately draw conclusions about the experiences that this interactive art brings me as well as provide centralised locations for exactly what happens as it relates to individual projects