The Website of Zachar Laskewicz


Below you will find a model for each of the entries on this page. It is fairly self explanatory. They extend from the most recent changes at the top. The first entry above the line is the date of the change. The second is a description of the type of change (i.e. "adjustment to CSS stylesheet" or "homepage content addition"). Below the line is a more detailed description which sometimes includes graphics of the new and/or the item being replaced).

date of adjustment
type of adjustment
Description of changes made, possibly include examples or items being updated or the ones updating them.

3 November 2024
homepage template adjustment

The 5 different sections of the website were added, including the footer and the page close right at the bottom. An example is included below:

2 November 2024
homepage stylesheet adjustment
Finalisation of snippet to make easier the addition of new changes to the homepage by automatically inserting this set of divtags that set the style for the text and the boxes the texts are printed within.

1 November 2024
homepage stylesheet adjustment
New Div tag made to help me structure new changes to the website. It is being prepared whil I am typing this entry to test whether it is working or not. It has a slightly smaller font. I'm going to make the entries in italics. A line has already been included at the top. Now to test the snippet function to see how easy it is to repeat this very structure every time I need to make a new entry.

24 November 2024
project & homesite content addition
Busy day. All the buttons on the left panel are ready bar one and a half... and I made my first official post to the "MAKING AN IMPRESSION" website which you can view here: In addition to that, there was also the "link to this site" dividing bar which allows easy access to the post when it is listed in the homepage of the website. The homepage website for this site division is You can view the first post here as well!  All I had to do was copy the html, and it copies in a smaller font and with the titles in a different place so that it suits being recorded in a central point, and then each post is followed by the diving line which links to that post. An example of this is included below (and it links to the first post):

A link was also included on the left panel the old site, and it seems to work.

21 November 2024
homepage content addition
Film added by embedding an IMGUR post in the interactive design division of the homepage.

19 November 2024
homepage content addition
Started filling up the content of the homepage divisions which ended with a description of my recent discoveries in the world of HTML and CSS style sheets. I uploaded the whole site and will now be able to show parts of it to people!

18 November 2024
homepage content addition
I worked out how to embed galleries and found out that the best way to do this is via the imgur website which has a simple button for the embedding of galleries and individual artworks. I even uploaded a work from DEVIANTArt to this site directly so that I could post it, and better still it's good for galleries of GIFs. Content was thus uploaded to "Interactive Design", "Handmade Impressions", the homepage division, but also to the section just beneath the "what's new" rubric: the "For Getting" section for downloadables. AT YOUR OWN PERIL left panel buttons also added to the rapidly growing interactive navigation panel

17 November 2024
Stylesheet & Template adjustment
Excruciating work on the website today grappling to produce the first post. The page design that I started with for the first post has turned out better than my wildest dreams. It is a storm of polyphony just looking at it and it is just the way I like it. But getting the finetuning of the Div tags right was laborious and involved learning a whole heap of new stuff. I have now uploaded the first test page which you can view via clicking this link:

16 November 2024
homesite & homepage template adjustments
Fiddling around with the homepage and homesite templates. Designs made for the "Making an Impresssion" stylesheet "ss_mai_posts" from which I will work backwards to the central page. In addition, the "DOWNLOADS FOR GETTING" page was created (""), and the contents for the SITE MAP page were added to and the header finally placed. "Interminable Contraptions" links included in the left panel. Examples of these startling graphic design marvels are included below:

14 November 2024

homepage template adjustment


Adjustments made to the contents of the homepage which includes links to anchors across the website and Current Projects. In addition, the MAKING AN IMPRESSION link was added to the menu on the left (and the frame extended a little on the right side making the tabs visible despite the presence of the tab bar. The projects navigation bar was included in the CURRENT PROJECTS page division and the 12 little symbols explained. Finally the stylesheets "ss_mai" and "ss_mai_posts" to try to eek out the foundation for each page: that div tags on individual posts will represent the same named div tags in different ways so that the same code refers to different style sheet elements so that they don't appear so large and bulky. In individual posts, however, the date, the title and the type of addition to the page have to have much more emphasis. But I don't won't to have to go to the difficulty of copying individual information from one div tag to the next. Hopefully this system will work. Below I've included examples of the"up" and "over" states of the "making an impression" project page left panel button. Amazing!

13 November 2024

website template adjustment


The template for the project "Getting Got" was started based on a new stylesheet called stylesheet_gg. Although it is planned for the first of the projects pages I'm working on, I've included an editable region for the title of each page. I'm going to use this stylesheet for all of the twelve projects pages for the time being. I've also included the projects navigation bar which I completed today. It was an enormous effort because it has in addition to the 9 links at the top, 12 links at the bottom to each of the planned projects pages. I assume that as of next upload you will be taken somewhere, but that they will be empty of content. Still that means that all the basic pages are now in existence. Below you will find a publishable version as a graphic file of how this rollover menu appears:

12 November 2024
website upload

After adding the "Glorious Illusions" left panel up/over button, I uploaded the site as this seems a good foundation point in the new sites history. All the strands have come together, even if they do not really lead to many of the site's pages yet. Below you can see an example of the GLORIOUS ILLUSIONS left panel button. On the left is the 'up' position, on the right the 'over' position that reacts interactively should you hover above it:


11 November 2024
homepage template addition

Getting Divider designed and impletemented for the "return to top" divider that provides a link to the top of the page. An example is included below:

11 november
addition of webpages
Pages made for each of the planned "PROJECTS" ; although backgrounds have been planned I still have to design an appropriate style sheet so these links are still moot so there's no point in me including links here yet. These pages will appear at the same level as the other homesite pages so that links to these pages involves as little confusion as possible (i.e. Folders have been prepared as well for when these projects pages link to individual posts (i.e.[post here]. At present these include the following pages: [1] At Your Own Peril (make-it-yourself art and inventions), [2] Dreadful Little Nightmares (fiction), [3] Fictive Protolinguistics, [4] Getting Got (interactive art), [5] Glorious Illusions (films), [6] Infernal Ruckus (music & scores), [7] Interminable Contraptions, [8] Making an Impression (impressed & printed art), [9] Mantel Marvels (clock collection), [10] New Used Eyes (non-fiction), [11] Outrageous Travesties (graphic art), [12] Zachar plays Gamelan (interculturality). In addition I started work on the "Projects" pages navigation bar which will appear at the top of every projects page to link back to other homesite pages but mainly to the other "projects", and I made a style sheet for the projects pages based on the one I used for the homesite pages. Each one of these, however, will eventually have a different background (now they all share the "Getting Got" background is the only one I have designed. In other words, I finished the GIFs for the "Getting Got" page as well. You can see an example of it below:

6 November 2024
homesite content addition
Getting Got leftpanel button added. "Dreadful Little Nightmares" was already present, and still neither of them lead to a page, although the interactivity has been included. The other pages of the homesite were also added, although as to this moment the only one that has any content in it is the site history so that I can update the entries one by one into the new sleeker format which consists of 3 nested div tag regions.
11 November 2024
homepage template addition

Getting Divider designed and impletemented for the "return to top" divider that provides a link to the top of the page. An example is included below:

11 november
addition of webpages
Pages made for each of the planned "PROJECTS" ; although backgrounds have been planned I still have to design an appropriate style sheet so these links are still moot so there's no point in me including links here yet. These pages will appear at the same level as the other homesite pages so that links to these pages involves as little confusion as possible (i.e. Folders have been prepared as well for when these projects pages link to individual posts (i.e.[post here]. At present these include the following pages: [1] At Your Own Peril (make-it-yourself art and inventions), [2] Dreadful Little Nightmares (fiction), [3] Fictive Protolinguistics, [4] Getting Got (interactive art), [5] Glorious Illusions (films), [6] Infernal Ruckus (music & scores), [7] Interminable Contraptions, [8] Making an Impression (impressed & printed art), [9] Mantel Marvels (clock collection), [10] New Used Eyes (non-fiction), [11] Outrageous Travesties (graphic art), [12] Zachar plays Gamelan (interculturality). In addition I started work on the "Projects" pages navigation bar which will appear at the top of every projects page to link back to other homesite pages but mainly to the other "projects", and I made a style sheet for the projects pages based on the one I used for the homesite pages. Each one of these, however, will eventually have a different background (now they all share the "Getting Got" background is the only one I have designed. In other words, I finished the GIFs for the "Getting Got" page as well. You can see an example of it below:

6 November 2024
homesite content addition
Getting Got leftpanel button added. "Dreadful Little Nightmares" was already present, and still neither of them lead to a page, although the interactivity has been included. The other pages of the homesite were also added, although as to this moment the only one that has any content in it is the site history so that I can update the entries one by one into the new sleeker format which consists of 3 nested div tag regions.

3 November 2024
homepage template adjustment

The 5 different sections of the website were added, including the footer and the page close right at the bottom. An example is included below:

2 November 2024
homepage stylesheet adjustment
Finalisation of snippet to make easier the addition of new changes to the homepage by automatically inserting this set of divtags that set the style for the text and the boxes the texts are printed within.

1 November 2024
homepage stylesheet adjustment
New Div tag made to help me structure new changes to the website. It is being prepared whil I am typing this entry to test whether it is working or not. It has a slightly smaller font. I'm going to make the entries in italics. A line has already been included at the top. Now to test the snippet function to see how easy it is to repeat this very structure every time I need to make a new entry.

24 October 2024 - Today the new version of the old site was transferred. I've had to copy over all the recent history to this new model, and the creation of this homepage resulted from applying a template which was made with a single unifying style sheet for all coming pages. I'm adding this now to an editable region for that template. The last preparation has been time consuming but all the same educational. Fine-tuning CSS rules to get text to appear in the right place. For example, the text box above which surrounds the first quote is a reusable div tag that can recur whenever I want put particular emphasis on a text. The underlined titles are also thanks to a recent discovery similar to the box. Normally, you should be able to click on the first of the left panel tags to get to the old website and vice versa. I'm still to test that!

23 October 2024 - The new footer menu I designed today has been placed, replacing the old one. The pages don't actually lead anywhere for the moment, unfortunately, but that will change soon. In the meantime since the 8th of October I've made 3 other buttons for the left panel and have worked on learning CSS completely and designing a complete new page from bottom up, i.e. starting with the style sheet, I set out the basic parameters for the page - and then started created DIV tags recognized by the style sheet to be used as part of the homepage template. Finally I completed the only part of web design I ever really used to understand properly: the idea of frames. Soon I'll be transferring the whole site to the new structure I've built, hopefully before the end of October.

8 October 2024 - At long last the first button on the left panel has been changed to the new format... which has more than lived up to expectations. With a simple rollover behaviour, you can actually transform between GIFs (rather than just change the colour of the tie as it used to react. The dynamism is quite remarkable. You can see below the old (up and over) and the new (up and over).

1 October 2024 - The index navigation bar is finally replaced, but this time with not only two pars - insite links and inpage links, but also now external links, each level with six links. You can view a miniature version of this construction below.

7 September 2024 - All of the outdated contents of the homepage removed, and "in construction" icons pasted in their place. I've completely changed the sections of the homepage giving them different names and functions, but I'm going to wait until the inner frame index menu bar at the top of the page has been redesigned. The version I'm currently working on as of today has three rather than just two floors: insite links, inpage links (and now also) external links seeing that most of my actual work is being served by other websites such as YouTube (for films) and LinkedIn (for PDFs). As a first step to transforming the left panel, the "Zachar-o-meter" was removed (never to be replaced - one of the interactive buttons will show me moving like a clock and, frankly, the regular and complex adjustments necessary to this piece of interactive multimedia that showed my mood swings was too difficult to maintain). I also replaced the old clock which was an entirely fictive art-deco style clock of my own design with a new one based on one of my actual clocks. 6 September 2024 - The title bar in the top frame of the homepage was positioned and the frame was adjusted. This took a lot of tinkering and effort to understand the software that I had used to design this interactive multimedia so long ago. Frame design may be out of fashion at the moment, but I still think it's an efficient way to structure my website, especially now that the actual website doesn't need to be anwhere near as complicated as it was.

1 September 2024 - Total redesign of the homepage and accompanying pages started. Although plans have been afoot for a couple of months now, no actual changes have been made to the site at all since 2017, apart from sporadic additions such as links to my GIPHY site necessitated by my membership, as well as at one point the testing of the possibility of making SVG files accessible (with great results) so that people could easily download files to cut on their vinyl cutter. I've been working particularly on the interactive buttons on the left panel and I kept putting off actually applying these changes because I wanted to have the actual pages ready. I finally decided that although the whole idea of this new site was to escape the yoke of social media I had previously acceded to, for the moment I will include links to my 13 facebook 'pages' from the left panel until I'm ready to transfer the contents to pages on this website. This month I'm ready to start changing the site completely, although you can also view the old website if you want to from this link: