born in Western Australia in 1971. After studying extensively in music,
theatre, linguistics and multimedia performance, he attained his doctorate in
theatre studies at the University of Ghent in Belgium. His studies were
completed by a post-doctoral Masters of Letters specializing in Gender Studies
and Queer theory. He has published extensively in both books and academic
journals and he has worked as a professor of music, literature and performance
at universities in both Taiwan and mainland China. In addition he has started a
Balinese gamelan in Brussels, performed and lectured around Europe and in
places as diverse as Finland, Denmark and Lithuania, among many other
activities which have kept him busy. Currently he works primarily as an
independent creative artist, composer, writer and filmmaker in the city of
Ghent, Belgium, where he presently resides. A list
of official publications is included below. Book (English)
Book (English)
Zachar (2004) Music as Episteme, Text, Sign &
Tool, Brussels & San Francisco: Saru Press. [ISBN 0-9532-713-07] Article in Magazine (Dutch) LASKEWICZ, Z. (2003)
"Muziek-Theater in Bali" in: Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen 297,
jg. 52/11-03, pp. 222-227. [ISSN
0042-7683] Academic Journal LASKEWICZ, Zachar (2003) "From
the Hideous to the Sublime" in: Performance
Research Journal, R. Gough, J. Christie (eds.), 8(3). [ISSN 1352-8165] Internet Publication LASKEWICZ,
Zachar (2002) "Wondrous Textual Machines: new
forms of textuality in a changing world," in: The
New Information Order and the Future of the Archive, John Frow (ed.), University of Edinburgh. [ISBN
0-9532-713-07 (html) 0-9532-713-15 (pdf)] Article in Book LASKEWICZ,
Zachar (2002) "Popular Music and Interculturality," in: Refashioning Pop
Music in Asia: Cosmopolitan Flows, Political Tempos, and Aesthetic Industries,
Curzon Press, London. [ISBN
0-7007-140-14] Article in Book (French/English) LASKEWICZ, Zachar (2002),
"[radical] Experimentation, [enforced] Machination and [involuntary]
Stage-Fright: the Utter Terror of the Non-discursive",
in: Homo
Orthopedicus: Le corps et ses
prothèses à l'epoque (post)moderniste, Paris, L'Harmattan:
369-391. [ISBN ] Article in Proceedings (German/English) LASKEWICZ,
Zachar (2001), "The Self-Reflexive Cultural
Myth", in: Myths, Rites, Simulacra: Semiotic Viewpoints, Vienna, Hochschülerschaft a.d. TU Wien/Wirtschafsbetriebe: 225-234. [ISBN 3-900494-36-3] Article in Proceedings (Multilingual)
Zachar (1998) "The Organic Presence of the Sign
in Balinese Performance Texts," in: Semiotics Bridging Nature and Culture: Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the IASS-AIS,
Guadalajara, Mexico, 13-19 July, Adrián Gimate-Welsh (ed.), CD-ROM. Academic Journal LASKEWICZ,
Zachar (1998) "From ZAUM: new music-theatre in
three movements", in: CHAIN, Summer 1998, University of
Hawai'i Press [ISBN 0-9666-303-00, ISSN
1076-0520]. Descriptive Article (Finnish/Suominen) VELIPAKKA,
Inka (1997) "Musiikiss
ani on kysmys monitasoisuudesta - intertekstuaalisudesta", in: Muusikko, 1/97, pp. 12-13, Finland (article
concerning Laskewicz’s work in Finland). [ISSN 0356-7923] Honours Thesis Extending the Significative Potential
of Music in the Theatre: towards a new concept of signification Prof.
D. Moody, Prof. M. O'Toole (supervisors), Murdoch University, Western
Australia Academic Journal LASKEWICZ,
Zachar (1991) "Using Music as an Open Creative
Resource", in: New
Music Articles (issue 9) 1991, pp. 26-30, NMA Publications.
Major Writings
© January, 2008 Nachtschimmen
Music-Theatre-Language Night Shades,
Ghent (Belgium) |