Welcome to the Homepage of
Zachar Laskewicz :
My name is Zachàr Laskewicz and I was born in Western Australia in 1971. Although my unusual name reflects a largely Eastern European family history, I've learnt to become wary of attempting to find personal meaning in 'history' as inculcated in both social and familial contexts. The complex process of resculpting my sense of self into the person I am today was made possible thanks to my time in Belgium. This country is an interesting one to live in and I'm also fortunate that the people here have respect for creative artists.
Recent research through my films and music has helped me realise that the sociocultural conventions one feels comforted or trapped by are in fact artificial and can be unlearned and replaced by acquiring knowledge or exploring new cultures. My work in all its apects questions the complex linguistic, social and cultural ways of behaving or experiencing the world that unite people as much as they make each individual unique. As a creative artist I've felt necessited to use this aspect of my work to help me make sense of the absurdity which surrounds me...
I've been a composer, a performer and a lecturer in places as diverse as China, Finland, Indonesia and Denmark, although I've settled permanently in Ghent, a truly beautiful and interesting Belgian city to develop my work as a composer and film-maker.
"I am as frenetically creative as ever. In retrospect, I've always applied my creativity to sculpt a sort of lense through which I can gaze at the world in an attempt to understand it better. The bitter pill of experience has taught me that this sword cuts on both edges; although on the one hand I long for people to return my gaze, I always fear that the focus-providing glass on my side will not produce the desired effect in reverse. All the same, I've realised that those who find what they see unusual would probably understand me better if they realised they were looking in the wrong end of a telescope!"
- Zachar Laskewicz, 4 August 2011 Ghent.
This site contains a lot of personal property over which I maintain the ultimate copyright. I kindly request that you credit any references you make to my compositions, writings or films. Telling me about how you may have interacted with my work or this site would be an extra added bonus. My email address is zachar@telenet.be.
7 September 2024 - All of the outdated contents of the homepage removed, and "in construction" icons pasted in their place. I've completely changed the sections of the homepage giving them different names and functions, but I'm going to wait until the inner frame index menu bar at the top of the page has been redesigned. The version I'm currently working on as of today has three rather than just two floors: insite links, inpage links (and now also) external links seeing that most of my actual work is being served by other websites such as YouTube (for films) and LinkedIn (for PDFs). As a first step to transforming the left panel, the "Zachar-o-meter" was removed (never to be replaced - one of the interactive buttons will show me moving like a clock and, frankly, the regular and complex adjustments necessary to this piece of interactive multimedia that showed my mood swings was too difficult to maintain). I also replaced the old clock which was an entirely fictive art-deco style clock of my own design with a new one based on one of my actual clocks.
6 September 2024 - The title bar in the top frame of the homepage was positioned and the frame was adjusted. This took a lot of tinkering and effort to understand the software that I had used to design this interactive multimedia so long ago. Frame design may be out of fashion at the moment, but I still think it's an efficient way to structure my website, especially now that the actual website doesn't need to be anwhere near as complicated as it was.
September 2024 - Total redesign of the homepage and accompanying pages started. Although plans have been afoot for a couple of months now, no actual changes have been made to the site at all since 2017, apart from sporadic additions such as links to my GIPHY site necessitated by my membership, as well as at one point the testing of the possibility of making SVG files accessible (with great results) so that people could easily download files to cut on their vinyl cutter. I've been working particularly on the interactive buttons on the left panel and I kept putting off actually applying these changes because I wanted to have the actual pages ready. I finally decided that although the whole idea of this new site was to escape the yoke of social media I had previously acceded to, for the moment I will include links to my 13 facebook 'pages' from the left panel until I'm ready to transfer the contents to pages on this website. This month I'm ready to start changing the site completely, although you can also view the old website if you want to from this link: https://nachtschimmen.eu/oldindex.htmlClick here for the SITE HISTORY page
From this homesite, the six major areas of my work can be viewed from various perspectives by clicking on the icons here to the left which indicate the major ways I have of interacting with the world and to help me make sense of reality: [1] music composition, [2] film design, [3] graphic art, [4] performance, and [5] writing - both fiction and non-fiction. I believe that any sort of exchange of knowledge, from musical, through conversational, to sensual, is equally valid and enriches us every day if we stand open to it. Each of these individual sub-pages has a set of 4 or 5 active links to a profile for that category, a 'complete list of works' page, among other possibilities depending on the nature of the skill - composition, for example, has a link to the music-box.
As far as seeing individual examples of my work is concerned, the 'complete list of works' pages contain a set of links to individual pages, to either listen to, watch, download, read or admire in some other way my writings, music and design. Links for the major complete lists are included below :
In addition to the five categories to the left, however, reading further will demonstrate my most recent projects, both finished and unfinished, including poetry, interesting and/or remarkable events and even anecdotes, aphorisms, recollections or other bursts of written inspiration which form as a result of the constant motion inherent in 'the incessant cycle spinning away inside my head'. Seven separate 'places' which often cohere with a particular website with all the collected set of that category, are used as points to show recent developments in my work. Therefore the bars which seperate the seven categories below also provide a link to a seperate page.
Here I try to reflect my rather ironic way of looking at things by presenting short anecdotes, recollections, aphorisms, opinions or short poems; they are generally the most recent things I've been heard saying (or claim to have said). The Anecdotes & Aphorisms page, however, contains the complete collection heading back to the first time I made a record of something I said in 1998.
Here I provide links or information surrounding new works that are finished or have been recently uploaded; something that could possibly be downloaded.
Click the icon below to open in a separate window or tab aPDF document called "Finding Nieuwland 70 A". This single page document contains maps, photos, descriptions, streetnames, tramstops and other information which should make it easier to find my address:
Click the icon below to download the mp3 version of the audio poem composed in 1990 FROM A GABLE WINDOW, a composition influenced by the work of Lovecraft:
*Note that the file is a RAR-archive and requires the appropriate unpacker to open it
Click the link below to download the T-SHIRT TRANSFER which contains the 'Elio Di Rupo Loves Pussy' and 'Bart De Wever Loves Cock' images from an artwork known as ZONDER STAAT STRAAT more information about which can be found at the CURRENT PROJECTS page.
Click the link below to download the original piano music score to INDIA SONG PIANO BLUES composed in 1991:
Click the link below to download my book on music, epistemology, semiotics and the Balinese culture :
Click the link below to download the first episode of the 'Utterly Disgusting Projects' designed to introduce children to art and creative processes. It consists of instructions and a set of stickers for a jar which will contain simulated 'Used Ewe's Eyes':
Samples, ideas and discussions relating both to films currently in production and the other diverse projects I initiate.
Information about and/or examples from current linguistic experimentations, including poetry and word art.
Examples are included here of recent art-works, inventions, designs, sculptures or photos.
© September 2024, Nachtschimmen
Music-Theatre-Language Nightshades,
Ghent (Belgium)
Send mail to zachar@telenet.be with reactions or comments about this site.
LAST MODIFIED: 7 September 2024